Sunday, 22 March 2015

Natural Selection

Natural Selection.

This entry, now does have to do, and with what is believed in all even, and to speak and of the very rise or birth, and of Civilization, and as now said centered in all, and in speak too of Man in himself that is. That it in all does not associate Man, and with speak of Matter, Energy or Time, but in all even, Man and as simply said co-existing in all, and in speak of Consciousness too, and as simply said to speak and of Man and as said Conscious in all now, and in speak too of the Human Lifeform and as simply said Networks, Systems and Organs too that is.

In having said that, the very belief now that, Civilization in all again, now does arise in all, and in speak too of Man and as said envisioned in all, and in speak too of Blood, Fluids and Hormones too that is. That in making all this too clear, speak now and of Man too, and as defined and in speak of Needs, Wants and Desires, and if not of Food, Shelter and Clothing, and such that, in speak of Palettes now, Civilization and as said arising in all, does now speak too of Grains, Cereals & Breads too that is.

In saying that, Civilization and as often termed civilization too, now does speak of the above paragraph in all, Civilization in itself though, is now believed said to arise in all, and in speak too of Appetites, Urges & Drives and of Man and as defined as such, and such that, it in all even now does speak too of Song, Dance & Music, and if not in speak too of Celebrations, Gatherings and Festivities in all (and not of Banquets & Festivals truly either, and in speak too now of civilization that is), and with it all even said now and to speak of Man and in Palette, and in speak of the following: Lipids; Vitamins & Minerals; Carbohydrates, Proteins & Fats.

In saying that, Civilization and as often believed said Asian, does in all even speak of it, and as said referring and to speak of Appetites, Urges & Drives, and that said Iraqi, speaking of it all and as said too civilization that is [and in speak too of Babylon for instance], Egyptian Civilization though, and as said to encompass speak too of civilization and Civilization too in all, now does speak too of Man in all again, and as envisioned, and in speak of Sweat, Tears & Blood/Bile (and in speak too of Performance), but speak too of Man now and in all again, and as said defined and in speak too of Emotions/Mood, Feelings and Passions too [and in speak too now of Drama that is].

While the above is said to speak of Civilization and as most do know it, there still does exist Civilization, and as said African, and that does in all even parallel that said Egyptian too that is. That it in all, now does view the Human Lifeform, and as simply said to speak of the Body and the Bodily, and if not of Being and being too that is. That in knowing of the said belief that the African races do in all even differ and from others out there, speak now and of the above stated in all, and as said to speak too of Blood Circulation for instance, while African Bodies in all, are often believed said associated, and with speak too of Blood Flow/Transmission/Drain that is. 

In having said the above, the Egyptian World in all, and as now said associated and with a Diet, and that does speak too of Wines, Meats & Sauces, and if not of Wineries, Drinks and Beverages too, while that said African, is often now said to speak of a Natural Diet, and not that said Staple truly either, and that does consist of the following:


[Herbs/Herbals] :- (Fruits) - (Vegetables) - (Plantain)


[African Drugs / Veggies.] :- (Roots/Tubers) - (Succulents) - (Bulbs)

In all again, the above now, and as referring and to differing perspectives in all, and of Evolution on this Earth, and that does in all even associate itself and with speak of Type/Fit in all, and in regards to speak of Natural Selection and if not speak too of Evolutionary Games that is, but that in most of the World now, and outside speak of Africa too, Evolution now and as often said associated and with speak of the State in itself, and as often said to speak of the Church-State too, and in speak now of the Mind/mind in all, and as often said associated and with speak too of the Evolutionary Instinct, and of Instinct too that is.